Originally broadcast on WNIB
Saturday, February 27th, 1999

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (3-10-46) Jack wel­comes guest Ray Milland, Oscar-winning ac­tor for his role in the film “Lost Weekend.” They do the Benny show version of the film with Jack and Ray as twin brothers who drink too much. Jack, announcing that Dennis Day will return to the show next week following his service in the Navy, bids farewell to singer Larry Stevens. Lucky Strike Cigarettes, NBC. (27 min)

SPEAKING OF RADIO (8-11-76) Singer-come­dian Dennis Day remi­nisces about his career in a conversation with Chuck Schaden re­corded in Mr. Day’s Brentwood, California home. He died in 1988 at the age of 71. (28 min)

JACK BENNY PRO­GRAM (3-17-46) Dennis Day returns to the program from his World War II service in the Navy. Dennis sings “Danny Boy.” Jack and the gang present their version of Fred Allen’s “Allen’s Alley” with a sketch titled “Benny’s Boulevard.” The ques­tion: “Who is the better comedian, Fred Allen or Jack Benny?” Lucky Strike Cigarettes, NBC. (27 min)

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF DENNIS DAY (10-2­-48) Dennis stars in his own program. To ac­commodate his girlfriend’s mother, Dennis agrees to baby sit a neighborhood brat. Col­gate-Palmolive, NBC. (30 min)

PHILIP MORRIS PLAYHOUSE ON BROADWAY (1952) “The Night Has a Thousand Eyes” star­ring Peter Lorre. A gripping fantasy about a magician who has the power to predict the future. Philip Morris Cigarettes, CBS. (25 min)

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (3-24-46) A week after Dennis has rejoined the show, the cast gathers at Jack’s house for rehearsal. After the gang leaves, Jack reads the book “I Stand Condemned.” Guest is Peter Lorre. Lucky Strike Cigarettes, NBC. (28 min)