Originally broadcast on WNIB
Saturday, February 26, 2000

SPEAKING OF RADIO: The Jack Benny Pro­gram (9-24-94) Program seven with recollec­tions by George Balzer, Jack Benny, Joan Benny, Milt Josefsberg. Excerpts: Mary reads a letter from Momma; Jack and Mary recall the early days of his show (5-9-41); Mary’s letter from Momma (3-12-39); Jack takes in­ventory (10-2-49); Jack’s memory loss (10­9-49). (33 min)

GI JOURNAL #92 (4-5-45) Bob Hope is Edi­tor-in-Chief for this edition, with Lucille Ball. Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Arthur Treacher, Mel Blanc, and Connie Haines. Hope gets an invitation to Lucille Ball’s swanky charity ba­zaar, so he gets Rochester to be his chauf­feur. AFRS. (30 min)

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (4-29-51) Remote broadcast from Nellis Air Force Base, outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, with Mary, Phil, Roch­ester, Dennis, Don, Artie Auerbach, Mel Blanc, Sportsmen, Elliott Lewis. Jack tells how he “reserved” a room at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. Lucky Strike, CBS. (26 min)

HALLMARK PLAYHOUSE (1-5-50) “The Egg and I” starring Claudette Colbert and Frank Nelson in a radio version of the 1947 film about the trials and tribulations of owning a chicken farm. James Hilton hosts. Hallmark Cards, CBS. (30 min)

SPEAKING OF RADIO: The Jack Benny Pro­gram (10-1-94) Program eight offers recol­lections by George Balzer. Excerpts: How Jack met Rochester (5-31-42); Rochester at sea (2­17-46); Railroad station for Colorado trip (1-­11-48); Railroad station in Pasadena (1-29-­50). (28 min)

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (5-25-41) Mary, Dennis, Phil, Don, Rochester. Jack complains that he’s tired after 35 weeks of radio this season. Don’s play: “The Life of Philbert Harris” with Jack as “Philbert.” Jell-O, NBC. (30 min)