Originally broadcast WDCB
Saturday, August 13, 2005 

*GABRIEL HEATTER (8-13-45) The famous commentator talks about the expected surren­der of Japan and the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration and what it means to Japan and the Emperor. “Even civil war in Japan isn’t ruled out as a possibility now. Their people know nothing even now regarding their surrender offer.” Kreml Hair Tonic, MBS. (14 min)

*NEWS (8-14-45) 7 p.m. EWT. CBS covers the official news of the Japanese surrender. Robert Trout in New York, Charles Shaw in Times Square, Webley Edwards in Guam, John Adams in Manila. Bill Henry is stationed outside the White House where he describes the scene on Pennsylvania avenue: “a river of humanity.” CBS. (30 min)

*NEWS ROUND-UP (8-14-45) Excerpt. NBC’s Victory Night coverage with John W. Vandercook in New York; Ben Grauer, with a mobile unit at Times Square, describes the tremendous crowd; Don Goddard covers the scene in New York; Robert St. John with late bulletins. NBC. (13 min)

*CHICAGO VICTORY CELEBRATION (8­14-45) Don Elders on top of the marquee of the Roosevelt Theatre in Chicago’s Loop. State and Madison is a bedlam of victory celebra­ State Street streetcars had to be reversed because they could not proceed through the crowds. Chicago taverns have been ordered closed for 24 hours. NBC. (4 min)

*FOURTEEN AUGUST (8-14-45) “A mes­sage for the Day of Victory” written, produced and directed by Norman Corwin and spoken by Orson Welles. The joys and sadness of victo­ry are presented in this now-classic broadcast with a look at the awful effect of the weapon used to end the war. CBS. (16 min)

*JAPANESE SURRENDER CEREMONY (9­2-45) The official V-J Day. “Today the guns are silent, bombers grounded, battleships at anchor.” A complete eyewitness report on the final capitulation of the Japanese Empire, on board the Battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. General Douglas MacArthur conducts the sur­render ceremonies, followed by addresses to the American people by President Truman, General MacArthur and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. ALL NETWORKS. (25 min & 20 min)

*COMMAND PERFORMANCE (9-2-45) A special V-J Day program for military audiences as well as civilian listeners stateside. An all-star cast observes the end of the war: Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dinah Shore, Frank Sinatra, Frances Langford, Orson Welles, Major Meredith Willson and the AFRS orchestra.­ President Truman has a victory message. AFRS/ALL U.S. NETWORKS. (28 min)