Originally broadcast WDCB
Saturday, January 21, 2006

I LOVE ADVENTURE #7 (6-6-48) “But Grandma, What Big Teeth you Have.” In Hollywood, at their A-1 Detective Agency, Jack Packard (Michael Raffetto) and Reggie York (Tom Collins) question a small boy who attempted to steal a woman’s purse. Cast: Jeanette Nolan, Jeanne Bates, Henry Blair. Sustaining, ABC. (29 min)

BOB HOPE SHOW (1-29-46) Broadcasting from Palm Springs, California. Guest Frank Sinatra joins Bob in the first of two “crossover programs” swapping guest appearances. Hope’s opening mono­logue has lots of Palm Springs gags and many “thin” jokes at Sinatra’s expense. Cast pres­ents “The Life of Frank Sinatra, a chilling ghost story.” Frances Lang­ford, Jerry Colonna, Mel Blanc, announcer Wen­dell Niles, Skinnay Ennis and the orchestra. AFRS rebroadcast. (30 min)

I LOVE ADVENTURE #8 (6-13-48) “The Man with the Third Green Eye.” Jack and Reggie are hired to find a rare stamp which conceals the location of a large deposit of uranium. Cast: Alma Lawton, Harry Lang. Sustaining, ABC. (30 min)

FRANK SINATRA SHOW (2-6-46) Guest Bob Hope joins Sinatra in the second of two “cross­over programs” exchanging guest appear­ances. Hope comes armed with many more wisecracks at Frankie’s expense. Bob and Frank sing “These Foolish Things.” Pied Pipers, Axel Stordahl and the orchestra, announcer Marvin Miller. Old Gold Cigarettes, CBS. (28 min)

I LOVE ADVENTURE #9 (6-20-48) “The Girl in the Street.” A Federal Agent hires Jack
Packard (Michael Raffetto) and Doc Long (Barton Yarborough) of the A-1 Detective Agency to find a kidnapped girl. Cast: Betty Lou Gerson, Peggy Webber, Luis Van Rooten, Russell Thorson, Lou Krugman, Dix Davis. Sustaining, ABC. (30 min)