Copyright 2013 Chuck Schaden © |
December 1982 - January 1983 October- November 1983 Spring 2005

Nostalgia Digest Origin #6

Color was added to Newsletter covers beginning with the

December-January 1982-83 issue and there was a brief

cover story in each issue.

Nostalgia Digest Origin #7

In October 1983, after 11 years of publication, the

Nostalgia Newsletter was renamed the Nostalgia

Digest. Eventually the magazine became a 64-page

quarterly publication, usually featuring a lengthy

cover story inside.

Nostalgia Digest Origin #8

Chuck Schaden continued as Editor and Publisher of

the Digest through the Spring, 2005 issue when

Steve Darnall assumed those roles. The magazine

continues to this day with articles from and about the

past and comprehensive listings of old-time radio

programming on "Those Were The Days," hosted by

Steve Darnall, who has hosted the program since

Chuck's retirement in 2009. For complete information

on current Digests, visit