Florence Halop

Recorded August 11th, 1976 - 23 min

She was Miss Duffy on Duffy’s Tavern and was Hotbreath Houlihan on the Jimmy Durante Show during the radio days and appeared on Meet Millie and other series on TV.  She was born January 23, 1923 and was 53 when we met in Van Nuys, California.  She died July 15, 1986 at age 63.

Duffy's Tavern - 3/30/49 - Jimmy Durante and Ann Sothern take over the tavern.

Did you enjoy the interview? Listen to Florence Halop as Miss Duffy on this episode of Duffy's Tavern from 3/30/49.

1 Comment

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  1. Lovely to hear Florence speak for real. Voices are a sort of hobby of mine and I was delighted to spot Florence Halop’s voice in Duffy’s Tavern after having seen her several appearances in the Barney Miller DVD collection. She was quite a trouper! Thanks for that interview and I look forward to hearing all the rest.

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