Chuck Schaden’s MEMORY LANE Podcast – July, 2016
REMEMBERING: James Cagney’s portrayal of George M. Cohan… a visit to the Chicago Theatre to see Peggy Lee and Martin & Lewis… a Perry Como polka that dominated the airwaves during the summer of 1950… plus the July birthdays of Walter Brennan, Merv Griffin, Myron Cohen and others. 67 minutes.
E-X-P-A-N-D your Memory Lane podcast experience by visiting these easy links for added reading, listening and viewing pleasure:
“Perry Como – Dream Along with Me” from Nostalgia Digest
A brief Margaret Whiting interview from 1972, along with her appearance on a 1949 Contented Hour broadcast.
James Cagney as George M. Cohan in the final scenes of “Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)
Watch Merv Griffin with Freddy Martin on a 1951 TV show
Storyteller Myron Cohen appearing on a 1952 telecast
Peggy Lee with the Dave Barbour Quartet in a 1950 TV appearance
June 25, 2016 at 8:52 am
I want you to know that I really appreciate your new Memory Lane podcast. I was so excited when I listened to your first show last night. You must have a very special collection of records and music that you can use. You still sound great.
What struck me was your knowledge of the stars that made each song famous. I loved your tribute to George M. Cohan. Speaking of Cohan, how in the world were you able to play that song of his from 1911? It sounded phenomenal! I think that you and I may be one of very few people to enjoy listening to that recording. The last time you wrote to me, you said that you didn’t have a lot of your shows on WCFL and WAIT. However, I think your new Memory Lane podcast may make up for it.
I usually visit your site every day, and I have learned some things each time I visit. Actually, I would like to compliment you on something that you may not have even thought of. I have respected a lot of famous Americans throughout my life. These people always have something inspirational to share with our country. One person from this country that I respect is Pete Seeger. He really taught Americans to talk about our hopes and dreams in song. Pete really made America sing folk songs for pleasure. To my family, Pete Seeger is America’s grandfather.
Because of your web site, you have really inspired me and other Americans to learn more about our history, particularly from the perspective of someone who was actually there. You lived through World War 2, radio’s golden age, and most importantly, memorable events of American history that will never be forgotten. You really are an inspiration to me. That’s why today, I would like to say to you, Chuck Schaden, thanks so much for being America’s Great-Grandfather.
Your visually impaired fan, Kenny from Cleveland
June 30, 2016 at 12:30 pm
It’s good to hear the familiar voice of Chuck Schaden again. I’m looking forward to your August podcast welcome back Chuck.
June 30, 2016 at 1:12 pm
Great to hear your voice back on the ‘airwaves’ again Chuck . Excellent show. You can’t beat a bit of tap dancing on radio !
June 30, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Nice job, Chuck! It’s great to hear your voice again. Yes, this podcast makes me think of WXFM also, and I’m really looking forward to future episodes. We miss you!
June 30, 2016 at 4:53 pm
Chuck, wow great to hear you back on the air waves or internet waves. You make a great disc jockey and it was a wonderful blend of music and historic information. Glad you could include a great old movie – Yankee Doodle Dandy is one of my all time favorites. Looking forward to August podcast. If you ever consider bringing a guest put me on the list. Keep up the good work and I won’t touch that dial.
July 1, 2016 at 1:47 am
Chuck; such a great idea to have monthly Memory Lane podcasts! Loved to hear Perry Como’s Whoop-de-doo Polka! I well remember it on the jukebox at the local malt shop, plus on “Your Hit Parade”.
Thanks so much for opening your huge “memory scrapbook” and sharing it with the podcast world. I look forward to each month’s edition.
July 8, 2016 at 10:33 am
Hi Chuck
Good to hear you again. Enjoy your website. Still listen to you and Ken with yesterdays papers. My wife (Pat) dated Perry Como in his early years before he became famous.
July 9, 2016 at 1:10 pm
Chuck, It’s so good to hear your voice again. I enjoyed very much the first Memory Lane podcast and I’m looking forward to listening to each monthly episode that you post.
October 2, 2016 at 11:07 pm
Chuck, it was so good to hear you yesterday on TWTD. Although I sort of knew about your podcasts, being an old fogey I wasn’t sure what was involved so I never got around to checking it out. But when you described all the goodies you had packed into those things, I knew it was my kind of entertainment. Just finished listening to #1 and you certainly didn’t disappoint! In a world that seems to have turned upside-down, I appreciate your efforts to turn it right-side-up again.