Originally broadcast on WNIB
Saturday, April 17th, 1999

FIRST NIGHTER (10-25-40) “Three Who Faced Death” starring Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy in a a drama about an apparent amne­sia victim being followed by a criminal. Campana Products, NBC. (27 min)

SPEAKING OF RADIO (12-12-73) Actor Les Tremayne reminisces about his radio career in a conversation with Chuck Schaden re­corded in Hollywood, California. Mr. Tremayne was born April 16, 1913 and this year celebrates his 86th birthday. (44 min)

THIN MAN (7-6-48) “Adventure of the Pas­sionate Palooka” starring Les Tremayne and Claudia Morgan as Nick and Nora Charles who promise to find a prizefighter’s pet pooch. Ed Herlihy announces. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, NBC. (28 min)

FIRST NIGHTER (3-25-41) “Love and Gazooza” stars Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy. A well-to-do Mexican is in love with a reluctant senorita. Campana, CBS. (25 min)

THE BIG STORY (12-15-47) “The Case of the Final Curtain” stars Les Tremayne as Aburey Maddock, editor of the Hartford Daily Current, whose story is dramatized. Bob Sloan narrates. Pall Mall Cigarettes, NBC. (26 min)

RECOLLECTIONS AT THIRTY (8-15-56) Pro­gram 10 of 33. A&P Gypsies; Pick and Pat; Eddie Cantor; Father Charles Coughlin; Rudy Vallee; Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon; Deanna Durbin. Sustaining, NBC. (24 min)