Originally broadcast on WNIB
Saturday, December 26th, 1998

NBC NEWS (12-26-48) Robert Trout reports that the Berlin Airlift is six months old today. Pillsbury, NBC. (4:56)

LIVING, 1948 (12-26-48) “The Little Girl Who Had Everything.” Ben Grauer narrates a post-Christmas fable about a family living in a castle and the events that take place on “Private Is­land.” Sustaining, NBC. (24:41)

ADVENTURES OF OZZIE AND HARRIET (12­-26-48) Ozzie remembers when he and his brother believed their father when he said it would snow. Ozzie and Harriet Nelson star with John Brown, Janet Waldo, Joe Kearns, Tommy Bernard, Henry Blair. International Silver Co., NBC. (28:55)

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (12-26-48) After 15 years, it’s Jack’s last show on NBC; next week he moves to CBS. Jack introduces Don Wil­son as the outstanding announcer of 1948. Cast features Mary Livingstone, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, Mel Blanc, Elliott Lewis, Gertrude and Mable. Lucky Strike Cigarettes, NBC. (27:40)

PHIL HARRIS-ALICE FAYE PROGRAM (12-26­-48) On the day after Christmas Phil is upset that he didn’t get a Christmas gift from Rexall. Elliott Lewis as Frankie Remley, Walter Tetley as Julius Abbruzio, Gale Gordon as Mr. Scott, the sponsor. Rexall, NBC. (28:22)

CHARLIE MC CARTHY SHOW (12-26-48) On the last show for Chase and Sanborn and NBC, Edgar Bergen traces highlights in his career, beginning with his first radio appearance on the Rudy Vallee Show and the feuds between Charlie McCarthy, W. C. Fields and Fred Allen. Cast features Mortimer Snerd, Pat Patrick, Don Ameche and Marsha Hunt as The Bickersons, announcer Ken Carpenter. Chase and Sanborn, NBC. (28:14)

FRED ALLEN SHOW (12-26-48) Fred and Port­land Hoffa walk down Main Street and ask the question, “What was the worst snow storm you’ve ever seen?” Answers by Kenny Delmar as Boris, the Russian; Parker Fennelly as Titus Moody; Minerva Pious as Mrs. Nussbaum; Pe­ter Donald as Ajax Cassidy. Comedian Doc Rockwell is guest and, in a courtroom sketch, Fred is the judge, Rockwell the lawyer in a murder case. Five DeMarco Sisters, Al Goodman and the orchestra. Ford Motor Co., NBC/CBC. (27:45)