Originally broadcast on WLTD
Saturday, July 17, 1971

BILL STERN’S SPORTS NEWSREEL (11-25-49) Broadcasting from Chicago on the eve of a big football game, the famed sportscaster’s guests are the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame.

JACK BENNY PROGRAM (1950s) Jack and Rochester are getting ready for the annual spring picnic. At the beach, Jack teams up with the Beverly Hills Beavers to play Don Wilson and the gang in a baseball game.

HALLMARK PLAYHOUSE (10-7-48) “Elmer the Great” starring Bob Hope in Ring Lardner’s classic baseball story.

FRED ALLEN SHOW (11-25-45) Guest Leo Duroucher joins Fred in a musical spoof called “The Brooklyn Pinafore.”

PLUS – “The Sports Answer Man” and Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s on First?” routine