Originally broadcast on WNIB
Saturday, March 27th, 1999

GREAT GILDERSLEEVE (1 1-9-41) Harold Peary stars as Gildy with Lillian Randolph as Birdie. After Birdie cooks Gildy’s birthday dinner for Judge Hooker, the judge tries to hire her as his housekeeper. Kraft, NBC. (30 min)

NICK CARTER, MASTER DETECTIVE (8-15­48) “The Case of the Professional Beggar” star­ring Lon Clark as Carter with Charlotte Manson as Patsy Bowen. Nick searches for a messen­ger boy who may be the only witness to a murder. Old Dutch Cleanser, MBS. (29 min)

SPEAKING OF RADIO (8-9-76) Actress Lillian Randolph talks about  her long career on radio, television and the mov­ies in a conversation with Chuck Schaden re­corded in Miss Randolph’s Los Angeles, California home. She died in 1980 at the age of 81. (21 min)

GREAT GILDERSLEEVE (5-10-50) Harold Peary stars as Gildy with Lillian Randolph as Birdie, Mary Lee Robb as Marjorie. On Marjorie’s wedding day Birdie sings “I Love You Truly.” Kraft Foods, NBC. (31 min)

LET’S DANCE (1-5-35) Excerpt from the big band series featuring Benny Goodman and his orchestra with vocals by Buddy Clark and Helen Ward. Uneeda Biscuit, NBC. (19 min) Karl Pearson will join us on the air to talk about the program.

RECOLLECTIONS AT THIRTY (7-25-56) Pro­gram 7 of 33. Jake and Lena; Jack Benny, Kate Smith, Abe Lyman; John J. Anthony; NBC Minstrels; Fibber McGee and the Old Timer; Ben Bernie and the orchestra. Sustain­ing, NBC. (24 min)