Originally Broadcast WLTD
Saturday, May 3rd, 1975

SUSPENSE (3-25-43) “Sorry, Wrong Number”—the original broadcast starring Agnes Moorehead in the role of an invalid who accidentally hears a murder plot on the telephone.

ESCAPE (3-28-48) “A Shipment of Mute Fate” starring Barry Kroeger and Harry Bartell in the story of a deadly snake loose on a passenger ship at sea.

SUSPENSE—”Three Skeleton Key” starring Vincent Price in “that story about the rats in the lighthouse.”

EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION: This will be a remote broadcast from the lobby of North West Federal Savings, 4901 Irving Park Road in Chicago and you’re invited to drop in any time during our program to say hello. We’ve planned some other vintage show classics, as well, and you’re sure to have a good time whether you tune in or come in. And don’t forget about the old-time-radio premium exhibit on display at North West Federal.