Originally broadcast WDCB
Saturday, November 19th, 2005 

LIFE WITH LUIGI (11-22-49) J. Carrol Naish stars as Luigi Basco with Alan Reed as Pasquale. Luigi hopes that Pasquale will invite him for Thanksgiving dinner, but the invi­tation does not come without a string attached. Cast: Hans Conned, Mary Shipp, Jody Gilbert, Joe Forte, Ken Peters. Sustaining, CBS. (30 min)

DINAH SHORE OPEN HOUSE (11-22-45) Dinah stars with Harry Von Zell and guest Groucho Marx. Dinah’s invited the gang to her home for Thanksgiving dinner, but where’s the turkey? Cast features Frank Nelson, Elvia Allman, Ken Lane Chorus, Robert Emmett Dolan and orchestra. Birdseye Frozen Foods, NBC. (29 min)

CINNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 7. Mr. Presto, the Magician. (13 min)

JIMMY DURANTE SHOW (11-26-47) The Schnozzola has a live turkey for Thanksgiv­ing. Cast includes guest Victor Moore and regulars Arthur Treacher, Candy Can­dido, Elvia Allman, Hans Conned, the Sportsmen Quartet, announcer Howard Petrie. Rexall Drugs, NBC. (28 min)

ARTHUR GODFREY SHOW (11-27-47) Arthur does his Thanksgiving Day broadcast from his farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia while the “little Godfreys” are in the studio in New York: Jeanette Davis, The Mariners, Archie Bleyer and the orchestra, announcer Tony Marvin. The Mariners sing “We Gather Together” and Over the River and Through the Woods.” Chesterfield Cigarettes, CBS. (29 min)

CINNAMON BEAR (1937) Chapter 8. The Candy Pirates. (13 min)

SONGS BY SINATRA (11-21-45) On the eve of the first peacetime Thanksgiving after World War II, Frank Sinatra offers a program with a patriotic flavor, singing “America the Beautiful” and “The House I Live In.” Featured are Marilyn Maxwell, Louis Prima, Pied Pipers, Axel Stordahl and the orchestra. Old Gold Cigarettes, CBS. (26 min)